Blog Post

Trial on Chile Peppers in New Mexico

Garrett Gillespie • Oct 18, 2023

This trial was recorded by Rio Gro and conducted by our grower in Deming, New Mexico.

Historical Overview:

  • The UNTREATED field was formerly the best chile dirt on the farm. This means that the incidence of disease pressure is lowest in this field.
  • The WG TREATED field was across the driveway to the north in similar soil conditions with historically more disease.


  • The grower followed Rio Gro's recommendation of 6 applications @ 20 gal/ac of WG solution per application. A season total of 120 gal/ac was applied.


  • As recommended, the grower applied the first three applications 2 weeks apart beginning at planting.
  • The fourth and fifth applications were applied monthly thereafter.
  • The sixth and final application was completed following the first pick on August 1st.


  • The Untreated block produced a season total of 28 tons/ac.
  • All untreated fields average 22 tons/ac.
  • WG Treated block totaled 31.5 tons/ac.
  • That's a 3.5 ton and $1,680 gross increase per acre!


  • More lead nodes per plant = more flowers.
  • More root mass and hair roots.
  • Less plant diseases. Less than 5% Vert.
  • No treatment for Rhizoc. Less than 1%
  • More season-long plant vigor
  • More Yield.

Verticillium Wilt remained below 1% until August and never exceeded 5% the entire season in the WormGold Treated blocks.

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