These results are from Pima cotton grown near Deming, NM.
Blocks yielded between 3 and 5.5 bales per acre. The average yield was 4.2 bales per acre.
This nutrition program takes a systems approach, where 3 critical components are implemented:
This system creates a powerful synergy in the soil environment. The biology provide efficient nutrient delivery. Food sources for the biology ensure that there is energy for the microbes to utilize. Carbon-complexed nutrients are more biologically friendly, more resistant to leaching and tie-up, and achieve greater efficiency rates.
The nutrition program included sap testing at critical growth stages to monitor nutrient levels and respond to crop need accordingly.
A carbon-based starter fertilizer was used pre-plant. Foliar applications were applied per sap analysis results.
Total Nutrition cost per acre was $380.00, which was easily recovered with the yields produced.
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