This pecan orchard is located in the Mesilla Valley of southern New Mexico.
The history of this farm is 100% conventional and common local practices, including:
Yields on this farm averaged 1,650 Lbs/acre, per year.
In the Spring of 2018, a cover crop was planted to test cover crop effects on Pecan yields and nut quality. Several blocks in the same soil type were not planted with cover crop to act as a control.
Field N3 on 2-3-2018
Field N3 on 3-31-2018
Field N3 on 4-11-2018
Field N3 on 5-5-2018
The yields and nut quality were measured separately from the cover crop and non-cover crop blocks on the same field.
There was significant nut quality increase on the cover crop fields, as shown by the following chart.
From 2018 through the present, cover cropping has been implemented as a soil fertility strategy, with very minimum tillage as well.
In 2020, 100 head of sheep and a few miniature cows were grazed on the cover crops using intensive grazing management during the summer.
These practices have resulted in increasing Soil Organic Matter levels and soil structure improvement.
Synthetic Nitrogen was reduced in 2020 by 50%, and was eliminated the following year due to Nitrogen inputs from grazing, legume fixation in cover crop, and amino acid applied N.
Following are data sets that reflect the changes in soil health.
Soil Organic Matter Levels
Nut Meat Quality
As a result of these soil health practices, the soils on this orchard are changing drastically. High earthworm activity, high biological activity and tilthy, black soil structure are seen throughout the farm.
Conventional Soil Left
Regerative Pecan Soil Right
Earthworm hatching
Soil structure built in sugar sand.
Biological activity underneath animal dung.
A lot of Nitrogen fixation now takes place through the legumes in cover crop mixtures. This took a couple years to establish, but now that the legumes and rhizobium bacteria are happy, the orchard receives a lot of free nitrogen from the air.
In summary, the benefits of improving soil health and biological life on this orchard are clearly reflected in both the yield and quality of the crop, as well as improvements in soil tilth and quality. Farming to grow life in the soil and working with nature is much more fun than killing things and working against nature!
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